Foreseen Yasuo tile

Foreseen Yasuo

  • newEffectsNew Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceBase Voice
  • newQuotesBase Quotes

Yasuo glimpsed many paths in his dreams. One saw him as an old man, alone, having strayed far from his course. He had given up ambition, family, even love, all to atone for sins he could no longer remember. This vision was not a warning, but a reminder, for Yasuo knew he could always return to his path. He only needed to find it... or let it find him.

Release date2024-01-24 (a year ago)
Price1350 RP
UniversesAges of Runeterra
Splash artistSu Fu, Kudos Productions
Foreseen Yasuo splash

